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It's Peanut Butter Yeti Time.

I apologize for the half-serving of red herring: this post has nothing to do with peanut butter. It does, however, have a lot to do with Yetis. BECAUSE IT'S FINALLY GETTING COLD ENOUGH TO BREAK OUT THAT FAUX FUR, HOMIES. 

You know what I loved as a kid? The texture of the figurines used in those old stop motion movies, like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. So fuzzy! So curly! So floofy! So cozy! If you don't know what I'm talking about, stop reading this right now and go educate yourself. CRIPES. 

Now, for those of you who like to begin celebrating Halloween in August, calm down and pleeeeeease let that happen first. This is not a "Christmas is coming!" post. I just want to talk about some damn faux fur. Because it's the shit! You can walk around looking like any animal you want: a polar bear, a skunk, a poodle, a raccoon, a bird, that shady creature you saw once in the alleyway behind your apartment building—anything. This is very relevant to my interests, because the closest I come to providing my own cold weather fur is the hair that grows unchecked on my legs between the months of October and May. Don't get me wrong, it's substantial, but it doesn't compare to having an actual coat of it. Personally, I like wearing anything big and thick enough to make me look like Bumble, the abominable snowman who befriends Rudolph (after Rudolph and his elf friend pull homeboy's teeth out, wtf). Looking like a Yeti is just kind of my thing, man. 

And by, "looking like a Yeti," I mean, looking ridiculous, and by, "my thing," I mean something that occurs naturally whether I want it to or not.

Boohoo faux fur vest; H&M shirt; Zara pants and sandals, Uniqlo socks; Vintage belt; Handmade necklaces