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Atlas Shrugged. And then said, "The fuck, Ayn Rand? Making me look bad and shit."

I have never read Ayn Rand's magnum opus, mostly because I have no interest in it. I've gone over the plot summary on Wikipedia, and the crazy ideas it suggests via Salon articles found here and here.

I mean, there's A LOT going on with this book. Lady was a special sort.

My favorite takeaways of what the novel teaches, or at least from what I skimmed through in the aforementioned articles, are that poor people are gross, nature is gross, independent women standing up for themselves are gross, doing good things for people is gross, socialism is gross, government is gross, basically everything is gross except fur and diamonds and gold and smog and cigarettes and selfishness, and going against the love of any of that makes you a vile cretin. 

Which means that many of us, by definition, are Ayn Rand's devils incarnate. AND I LIKE IT.

Zara scarf and mules; H&M skirt and bangles; Forever 21 ring; Vintage collar; Urban Outfitters belt.